

Retirement Education and Resources


Popular Investing and Retirement Subjects

Helpful Retirement Resources


Help Us Develop
Future Resources


Evaluate Your Current Financial Situation


Determine Your
Risk Tolerance


Why We Call Retirement “Future Funded Ministry“

Our calling to love and serve others doesn’t end at age 65.

You have unique passions, abilities, and experiences that God wants to use in ALL seasons and stages of your life. Explore, prepare, and dream about how your future funded ministry might look: Learn More.


Retirement Education Articles

This Month’s Featured Retirement Topic:



Redefine Your Retirement

One day your paychecks will end but God’s calling doesn’t. Maximize your impact and purpose with a new vision of Christian retirement.


NEW Books

Envoy recently published two new books to help you financially prepare for the future. Download the FREE e-version or order print copies through Amazon for your staff.

