Finding a New Way to Love as a Leader.

How do you keep your perspective? Is there a place for “love”? In these days of wars and rumors of wars, in these days of violence, atrocity and drive by shootings, beheadings and seemingly mindless rage, how does a leader keep perspective.  Balancing...

Leaders Are to be Found Faithful

Is being faithful relevant today? Wherever we look, being faithful to a trust or a vow is seldom to be found. As leaders we have, at least ostensibly, key responsibilities to those we both lead and serve. So, is being faithful still necessary? Possible? Does anybody...

Christmas Memories

We pause in our search for key leadership and management insights. Here is an experience from my very younger days that I thought might bring a perspective on Christmas from a cultural point of view. Enjoy and truly, Merry Christmas. Our reality, perception of...