What’s in your future?

I pulled into the Envoy parking lot and there it was…426 HP, bright orange, 2013, Camaro that existed in my friend’s dream. Now a reality! He confided in me a month or so earlier, that he’d finally convinced his wife that “they” should...

Miracles Still Happen

Standing at a crossroads 120 miles outside of Moscow, the fields stretched to the horizon. We were stuck, waiting for a guide to take us to the next camping destination. There were 7 of us in total, just getting to know each other. Someone mentioned that Russia...

When Tough Times Show Up

Did you ever notice how tough times show up? They are like a thief in the night, kind of like a car accident. You are just driving along, and then you hit the “black ice” and everything spins out of control. I think life is like that, more often than we...

Growing in Understanding

How do you know what you know? Is everything always clear to you? I know that I learn as my experiences pile up and I am exposed to other ways of thinking. Learning seems to me to be cumulative. Or maybe it is wisdom that is cumulative as the experiences pile up....

The Seat of Power

Watch this video and visit with me the Oval office, as it existed when Ronald Reagan was President of the United States. Yes, there is a jar of jelly beans behind the lamp. This video shows the ultimate in today’s world of the “seat of power.” In...

Responding to Failure

How we respond to failure is a choice, a very hard one. It is particularly hard when it is not our norm, when it shows up, as failure always does. Interestingly, for some it takes longer than others for it to both show up and be dealt with. My recent reading has...