Stewardship Advisor

Isaiah Gates

(719) 884-6977

Meet Your Advisor 

My passion is to help others maximize their potential of being good biblical financial stewards. I believe sound stewardship begins with the acknowledgment that the Psalmist expresses in God’s written Word: everything that is in heaven and on earth is His (1 Chronicles 29:11). This more than anything else has impacted my own stewardship journey, convicting me that how I spend, give, and invest wealth are each fundamentally spiritual decisions.

The Bible is overflowing with sound financial guidance, from giving principles to the wisdom of planning found in Proverbs. At Envoy we believe that it is vital to develop a strategic financial plan that aligns with your worldview, achieves your goals, and serves the Kingdom.

I am honored to serve Christians around the world by coming alongside you and your family to develop a clear roadmap that highlights your financial goals. No matter where you are in your financial journey, I would be delighted to have a conversation with you.

Comprehensive Financial Planning

A Roadmap To Your Financial Goals.

From an Investment Advisor’s perspective, a Comprehensive Financial Plan is where it all starts.  Often, a solid plan is overlooked in favor of jumping straight to your investments.  However, I believe the two go hand-in-hand.  While it’s not required, it certainly is a handy roadmap to have.  A guide that will help both of us NAVIGATE our way to your financial goals.  Below are some helpful links that will help you understand more our approach to investing.

My Specialties

Here are Some of the SERVICES that I can offer you.

Financial Planning

Retirement Planning

Investment Management

Retirement Strategies

RMD Strategies

Estate Planning

Fiduciary Investment Advice

Set Up 401k Plans

I’m ready when you are!
Let’s start a conversation.