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Last Updated: June 17, 2024
By: Taylor Johnson

This is a newsletter meant to make you feel more connected to us and yet prepare you for what’s next.

Welcome to the very first edition of a series of newsletters we call “The Envoy Connection.”  Each issue will contain a letter to our community, updates about our organization’s efforts, a chance to engage with us, and, most importantly, a breakdown of featured content we have recently published or updated just for you. This is a really exciting step forward for us.  Our design in publishing this is to create a content experience you truly enjoy engaging with.  More importantly, it’s meant to help deliver content that will lead you along your stewardship journey… whether it’s in the way you lead your organization or the way you lead your family.  Our aim is to help everyone establish their own Future Funded Ministry through retirement.

What kinds of content will our newsletter feature?

In putting together content, we really had to ask ourselves… what should we share that clients really want to know.  This newsletter will actually be a way to distribute a few main categories of content.

– Content for plan leaders looking to run their retirement plan with excellence.

– Content for businesses, churches and ministries who want to serve their staff well.

– Content for individuals looking to take their personal finances to the next level.

– Content for men and women who want to prepare their families for their future.

– Content for individuals who want to track the market and economy more closely.


If any of this sounds interesting to you… get subscribed!

We are committing to publishing new issues of this newsletter on a quarterly basis.  Every three months, we will take all that has happened, all that we’ve published, and wrap it up into an easy-to-consume letter.  When you subscribe, we will include you in our notification system.  New notifications go out by email and will keep you informed as new content is published or other pieces have been notably updated.


Featured Content for the Summer of 2024

Related to Retirement Plan Administration

What you need to know about Form 5500 for 2024.

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What do you know about the ERISA Fidelity Bond?

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Retirement Plan Leakage and Non-Profit and Ministry Workers 

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Related to Personal Finances

Why is it so important to update your beneficiaries regularly?

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This is resource 4

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We want to create something you will enjoy reading.

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